
In­for­mations légales



Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. (DAAD)
Kennedyallee 50
D-53175 Bonn

Tel.: +49 228 882-0
Fax: +49 228 882-444


Représentant autorisé du conseil d’administration : Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee
Tribunal d’enregistrement (Registergericht) de Bonn
Numéro d’enregistrement VR 2107
N° de TVA intra-communautaire : DE122276332

Responsable au sens du § 55 Abs. 2 RStV : Dr. Kai Sicks

Centre d’Information DAAD Yaoundé

Université de Yaoundé I (NBP R.118)
B. P. : 1067 Yaoundé

Tél.: (+237)  242 60 20 29, (+237) 699 27 08 37

Programmation, réalisation et administration

snoopmedia GmbH
Otto-Hahn-Straße. 9
D-53501 Grafschaft


Conception, graphisme et rédaction

Digitas GmbH
Cäcilienkloster 2
D-50676 Köln

Tel.: +49 221 951515-11
Fax: +49 221 951515-66


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Malgré tous nos efforts, nous ne pouvons pas garantir la complète exactitude, exhaustivité et actualité des informations présentes sur ce site. Nous déclinons toute responsabilité, en particulier en ce qui concerne le contenu de sites vers lesquels le présent site renvoie. Ce sont les éditeurs des sites concernés qui sont tenus responsables pour leur contenu.

Les offres des établissements d’enseignement supérieur

Hof Univerity

M.Sc. in Cross Cultural Nursing Practice

You have a bachelor's degree in nursing and would like to gain further qualifications without losing touch with your patients? If you also have basic German language skills, our Master in Cross Cultur...


Advance your career with an MBA from Pforzheim University, one of the ...

The full-time MBA in International Management at Pforzheim University combines a classical management education with the most relevant future topics: Innovation & Digital Business, Sustainable Global...


Munich Center for Machine Learning: PhD positions

The Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML) offers several fully funded PhD positions in any field of research within the domains of machine learning!

Hof Univerity

Hands-on Master’s programs at Hof University Graduate School

Kickstart your career with our hands-on M.B.A. and M.Eng. programs. All programs include a one-year internship - a great opportunity to apply your knowledge and gain additional professional experience...

Hof Univerity

B.Sc. in Computer Science: Start studying in English language, switch ...

Are you interested in new technologies, enjoy solving problems, and like working in interdisciplinary teams? If you also have basic German language skills, our Bachelor in Computer Science is the perf...


Pave the way for your STEM studies with the HTW Foundation Courses

… by mastering the German language skills that are crucial for excelling in engineering and technology studies in Germany.



Capture d'écran de la carte avec le repère géographique du site du DAAD